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Why should I know the Third Conditional?


Updated: Aug 23, 2021

The question is not why or should you know the Third Conditional.

The question is how good you are or how good you are going to be in using this condition.

Why is that important?

Do you know the meaning of this sentence I should have done it earlier.

Do you know the translation of this sentence to Serbian? → Trebalo je ovo da ranije uradim. Ljudi, na svakodnevnom nivou kažemo sebi da sam ovo znao ranije, da mi je neko rekao pre 5 godina da ću sad…

Ove sve kontrukcije koristimo i srpkom jeziku , zato su nam bitne i na engleskom jeziku kako bismo mogli da se izrazimo u tom trenutku kako želimo bez obzira što govorimo na stranom jeziku.

How can I learn this and be sure that I use all the constructions properly?

First make sure that you know Past Participles:

Go went gone

Do did done

Bake baked baked

Drink drank drunk

If I had downloaded the Google Maps, I would have found that house in Sothern France much earlier.

*had downloaded- Past Perfect Simple

*would have found- would+ Past Perfect Participle

Then, make a five examples on your own, think about situation that you had recently and you did something thinking that your action was the best or only option but as a matter of fact it didn’t and it is clear now that it wasn’t the best choice.

I will give you three examples:

*If I hadn’t gone to the meeting I would have risked losing my partner’s trust.

*If the kids hadn’t been sent to the village, they would have seen one of the biggest quarrels in our house.

*If I hadn’t interrupted you, you would have gone too far gossiping about your own wife!

If you have any questions send me e-mail :

Škola Nauči jezik sa Irinom nudi konverzacijske časove poslovnog engleskog jezika!

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